On-the-Go/Travel Fit Chick Hacks

Monday, March 21, 2016

Hi friends!

Travelling is super exciting, but it can often be difficult to stay on track when you are not home for long periods of time. Healthy options while travelling can be difficult to find and not to mention expensive! Whether you're going on vacation, or just heading out for a day trip, these are some of my fit girl hacks that I find super helpful!

1) BYOS (Bring Your Own Stevia)
I always carry packets of stevia in my purses, travel bags, etc. Having stevia on hand is the perfect way to naturally sweeten your coffee, iced tea, oats, etc without adding extra calories and empty carbs to your meals.

2) Aminos As Juice
I also always pack my BCAAS (branched chain amino acids) whenever I know I'm going to be out of the house for a while. I love to sip on my chilled aminos as an alternative to sugary juices. I love drinking my aminos during my workouts, but I found that drinking them during the day helps me beat sugary cravings and reduce muscle soreness while tasting delicious. Some of my favourites include: Her BCAA's by 1UP Nutrition which also have glutamine and collagen added, as well as Her Aminos by NLA for Her. Seriously these taste just like juice!

3) Pack Snacks/Meals
There is nothing worse than hunger striking while you are out and about and having no healthy options around. To help stay on track, and save some money (airports can be super pricey), I will often pack meals with me like chicken, sweet potatoes and zucchini, but if that isn't an option or for longer trips, these snacks are super helpful! Some of my go-to fave snacks to pack are: protein bars, nuts, protein powder, little almond/peanut butter packets, oats (super easy to make anywhere that offers hot water/microwaves) and fruit. All of these options are travel friendly so you can stick them in your backpack or luggage and keep them on hand during your trip.

4) Stay Hydrated
Sipping on water throughout the day not only increases energy, reduces fatigue and boosts immune system; it also provides a ton of other benefits like reducing hunger acting like a natural appetite suppressant.  Sometimes, when you think your body is craving sugar, your body is really just calling out for water! Staying hydrated will make you less tempted to reach for sugary foods and drinks.

5) Keep It Moving
Sure it's great to rest and relax on vacation, but for me, exercising is what makes me happy and keeps me sane. I love to check out new gyms in the area I'm staying or get creative at the hotel gym. If a gym isn't an option, plan a sightseeing day trip that involves lots of walking or maybe even hike up a near by trail. If the weather is nice, rent out some bikes and go exploring with friends for the day. There are a ton of fun ways to get creative and be active!

My boyfriend Jacob and I getting a lift in at Gold's Gym on our recent trip to Orlando, Florida.

6) Pickup Some Essentials
If you're staying for a couple days, I always find it super helpful to hit up the local grocery store and grab a couple small essentials to snack on like: eggs, fresh fruits and veggies, greek yogurts, cheese strings, toast, peanut butter, oats etc. Having these around will allow you to have healthy options when you are hungry between meals as well as save some money on buying snacks out!

7) One and Done
You're allowed to enjoy your vacation and treat yourself here and there, but don't turn it into a cheat meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Pick one high-calorie item every day or every couple days (depending on your fitness goals) that you want to try like the local gourmet ice-cream shop for dessert and enjoy it, then move on and get back on track!

I hope you guys find these tips helpful to incorporate into your travels!

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