Hey there!
I'm a 23 year old girl from Toronto, Ontario. I studied Kinesiology and Social Science at Western University in London, Ontario. I grew up dancing, playing sports and swimming but never considered myself physically fit. In high school, I would go out every weekend with friends. The nights consisted of several drinks, greasy food and nothing but regrets. I personally never really enjoyed living that lifestyle but I did it anyway because that's what everyone else around me was doing. At that point I would workout once in a while but never really saw results because I wasn't consistent. I didn't eat clean or respect my body. I wasn't happy with my body so I would diet and then binge, kind of a yo-yo diet. I never stuck to a happy medium or found a balance.
 In 2012, I left my hometown and moved to a new city to start University. I began University in the Social Science program, undeclared as I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in the future yet. I was leaving everything I knew behind and starting a brand new path in my life. My residence was super close to the campus rec centre so I started working out more and more. I ditched the hour long cardio and started lifting weights. The more into fitness I got the less I found myself going out drinking with friends. I lost friends who didn't respect my choices or understand why I chose to go to the gym on Friday nights instead of going out to bars. But it didn't really bother me because I made tons of new friends at the gym and on campus who shared this passion for fitness and health with me! Once I stopped trying to fit in and be some sort of party girl that totally wasn't me, I got the chance to find myself and what I love. Once I found myself, everything just started falling into place. I met the boy of my dreams in my residence and we started lifting and building our life together. Over three and a half years later and we're stronger than ever! I love having a soulmate/swolemate to share my passion with! I transferred to the Kinesiology program and now I'm studying what I'm passionate about as well. It's definitely been a journey...and did I get it all right the first time?! Heck no! I used to walk into the gym and have no idea what any of the machines do. I've switched up my diet several times and I'm still learning new things about my body everyday and what works for me! I've learnt that it's not about eating less...just about eating better.
I used to workout because I hated my body! And now I workout because I love my body. Beauty is strength and I've never been happier or healthier than I am now. I've honestly never felt better. I started working out to look good, and now I do it to feel good. 
Fitness gave me the confidence and strength I needed to unlock my true potential and be my best! It gave me the confidence to stand up for myself and simply say "no" sometimes which previously would have been a struggle for me. I truly am so blessed. It didn't happen over night...it took determination, hard work, discipline and sweat but it's all worth it and has become a lifestyle I love. I love eating clean and treating myself to a treat once in a while...it's way more rewarding and exciting to eat that cheesecake! Treating my body well with fitness and nutrition has become a great passion for me. Lifting heavy weights and trying out new high intensity interval training circuits sparks a fire within me. Cooking different fun clean recipes makes me happy. And the best part is I get to do it all with my boyfriend, bestfriend, soulmate, workout partner and life partner by my side every step of the way helping each other get better. 
I'm currently weight training six days a week with about three days of cardio mixed in and one day of stretching/yoga/foam rolling to rest my body. So much is happening for me in the fitness industry already and I can't see where else this crazy journey will take me! If you want something, you've got to go after it and work hard at it. If you always do what you've always done...you'll always get what you've always gotten! 
You need to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and try new things in order to get better! Wouldn't you rather be uncomfortable for a couple minutes during your workout than uncomfortable with your body your entire life? You only have one body, so take good care of it. Consistency is what transforms average into excellence! Of course there are days where you screw up and make mistakes but as long as you don't quit...you can't fail! So believe you were born to achieve great things and never give up! 
Break all kinds of limits, physically and mentally. I hope to use what I've learned through my experiences to inspire and motivate some of you along your fitness journeys. Remember fiitness is not a destination, it is a lifestyle.  Healthy is the new happy...keep that in mind and make this healthy lifestyle a wonderful adventure!

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